Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To My Own Great Surprise, I Have A Copy Of Machiavelli's Principe

Inside the front cover is stamped: "WITHDRAWN from Anchorage Municipal Libraries." This means that I've had it since at least as long ago as 2008, and that I either got it for free from a table near the entrance of the main branch of the Anchorage Public Library, or paid 25 cents or less for it after snagging it from a table near the checkout counter at the main library of the University of Alaska at Anchorage.

I gotta get organized here. I was sure I didn't have a copy.

Okay, it's also stamped "FREE," and it has a public-university stamp on it, using the Dewey Decimal system. The University library used the Library of Congress system as of 2008. Besides Il Principe, my copy also contains 3 Scritti politici: "Ritratto di cose di Francia," "Ritratto delle cose della Magna" and "La vita di Castruccio Castracani." Presentazione die Luigi Fiorentino, published by Mursia di Milano, "Copyright 1969-1988." So there!

Sales rank 266.126 at AmazonDotItaly. It's got a different cover now.

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